Finding an anxiety specialist-questions you should ask

Nelson Martin
6 min readMay 27, 2021

When I was looking for an anxiety therapist near me, I made some mistakes. I found the wrong person. However here are some questions that it is worth asking somebody before you hire them as your therapist.

Anxiety Therapy sessions with Client

Here are some of the questions and the type of answers you can expect. If they differ significantly from these you need to question why this is so.

How does Anxiety therapy help?

This is a form of psychotherapy that uses psychological techniques to reduce emotional distress and anxiety. While many therapists use medication, Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Psychotherapy and Acupuncture to treat patients, Anxiety therapists use less invasive techniques, such as psychological therapies. This includes using hypnosis to help patients recover from anxiety and panic attacks. This is great because it is a non invasive treatment that can be conducted at home, either in the clinic or at home, depending on the type of Anxiety therapy. However, this can be a good treatment option for patients who do not want to use medications for treatment.

Why work with a therapist to overcome anxiety?

It is a question that has been asked frequently. I think it is actually a fair question and in a way the answer is: because you can. Why use any other approach? Because if you work with a therapist to overcome anxiety you can learn to use some tools to transform your life in such a way that you will no longer be anxious, depressed or fearful.

Could you benefit from anxiety therapy?

The anxiety therapy approach works for many people who have been struggling with anxiety for years. If you feel like you can’t leave the house without feeling like you are going to faint or pass out, you are having a panic attack, or you are having a stroke, you can probably benefit from anxiety therapy.

When should you get professional help for your anxiety?

It is never too soon to seek help for your anxiety when you are experiencing symptoms such as being unable to relax. These symptoms can be experienced when you have been through a traumatic event, such as a murder, a car accident, or even just the realization that you have a lot of responsibility on your shoulders.

Does online anxiety therapy work?

We need anxiety therapy to deal with anxiety. But many find it hard to deal with all the anxiety symptoms and online therapy is a great way for them to treat their anxiety. They don’t need to travel to a clinic for this. It’s very convenient. They can work from home and even at home the therapist can keep a consistent time and they can also use their personal computer. And, if they want, they can combine online therapy with face to face therapy. So, they don’t have to wait until the next day to get cured.

How long does anxiety therapy take?

It depends on the individual. Most people find it quick and easy to get started. It takes longer if you’re dealing with children, pregnant or nursing women or children who have recently gone through a trauma. It can take more time if you’ve never done counseling before or if you’re dealing with very difficult or upsetting events or circumstances. Anxiety therapy takes a lot of time if you’re dealing with very difficult or upsetting events or circumstances.

Can you also use self-help for anxiety?

After reading this question, you might think that anxiety is the only disorder that can be treated with self-help. However, there are some self-help for anxiety: therapies that help your anxiety as well.

What exactly is anxiety?

Anxiety is described as a feeling of dread. As the medical term suggests, dread is a feeling of impending danger. It can be a physical or a mental dread. When something is physically dreading, it can result from pain, illness, drugs or other external factors. Physical dreading can be triggered by thoughts of death or physical injury.

What is exposure therapy?

Exposure therapy is defined as a form of psychotherapy that aims at restoring the natural relation of people to their environment. It is often used in the treatment of phobias, for example. Exposure therapy was devised by Sigmund Freud in the early 20th century. Exposure therapy is usually done in sessions lasting from 2 to 10 hours each week.

Does Havening therapy help with anxiety?

Yes. It helps. Havening therapy is a simple technique to get rid of anxiety. It can be done with a very simple technique. It can be done with a very basic technique.

How does CBT help with anxiety?

In the book called “The Anxiety Site” by Mark Davis, the author explains how CBT, or cognitive behavioral therapy, as it is often called, is effective with anxiety disorders. It’s based on the idea that our thoughts determine how we react to certain situations. A situation is said to be anxiety provoking if it produces feelings of anxiety, fear, apprehension, and panic. We learn how to look at our negative thoughts and challenge them, thus changing our thoughts into positive ones.

Why am I anxious?

Anxiety is a state of mind. It is a term used to describe a mental state in which you are excessively concerned, apprehensive or worried about something. It can be caused by several events including, the death of a loved one or the inability to get into a place.

What if anxiety therapy does not work for me?

When you visit the doctor and are told your symptoms are caused by stress, they may tell you to do something about it. If you’ve not experienced the symptoms for more than six months, they may recommend some form of therapy. Often people get discouraged, think they’re too far gone and give up. But anxiety therapy does not work for everyone. It’s also not right for everyone.

What is EMDR therapy?

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) therapy was developed in the mid-70s by Bill Cooper at Yale University. With the use of this therapy, trauma-related symptoms are relieved in 80% of patients. After a one-hour session, most patients see significant improvement in the level of distress.

Does EMDR help with anxiety?

I find EMDR therapy does help with anxiety. It’s not magic, it just seems to be what EMDR does. It helps with the more generalized anxiety that everyone seems to get.

What is tapping therapy?

Tapping therapy, also known as reiki healing, reiki self-healing, life energy healing, life energy raising, life energy communication, life energy telepathy or life energy communication, is a healing technique that empowers the human being to overcome the effect of illness through tapping on the hands. The effectiveness of tapping therapy is demonstrated by patients who feel better within seconds.

Does tapping therapy help with anxiety?

I have seen both success and failure in the treatments that involve tapping. With very young children, who can benefit from tapping? Very young children, I believe, can benefit from tapping therapy. Some adults, when they tap their hands, will get the visual stimulation that they get from tapping. This visual stimulation seems to help them see in a new way. However, I don’t know if it would work for very old or very young adults who get the visual stimulus from tapping their hands. But, I would guess that it would not work for very old adults who don’t get the visual stimulation from tapping their hands. I have never really been sure what kind of attention is being tapped in this case.

Will relaxation help reduce my anxiety?

When I have to face a situation in which I am feeling nervous and anxious. I am inclined to believe that relaxation will help reduce my anxiety, even though there is no scientific proof that it will. However, I do know that it has been a useful strategy for me and my clients, in which they have been able to find relief, as soon as they begin to feel anxious or nervous.

I hope this article has given you some ideas and not just go along with the first therapist you find.



Nelson Martin

Hi,I’m Nelson Martin , A SEO Article/Blog writer cum Freelancer greets you to this site.